Audio & Video
An archive BBC recording of Beatrice Harrison is followed by Clare’s recorded recreation of the first live outside broadcast performance of ‘The cello and nightingale’ for BBC South East television.
Clare’s early morning duet performance with a nightingale at Highnam Wood, Gloucestershire
Click on the audio below to listen to Clare’s performance of the Bach Prelude in G
Brooklands Radio interview
Clare was interviewed on the ‘Fabulous Women’ show for Brooklands Radio, among which she mentions her encounter with Jacqueline du Pré (Clare likened Jacqueline being wheeled very quietly into the room beside her, as ‘tip-toeing’ as that was the element of surprise it was meant to have).
BBC Oxford MP3 interview Tuesday 29th January on The James Cannon Show
Listen to Clare's interview below where she explains how she was invited to play for the The One Show